​1st march through history: between diplomacy, exploits and heritages 

  The 1st of March is a date that crosses the epochs, bearing the imprints of major events that have marked the history of Senegal. Whether it is diplomatic advances, historic appointments, sporting exploits or even significant events in the religious, social and military spheres, this day reflects the diversity of the Senegalese heritage. From the country’s accession to observer status within the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries in 2024 to the ascension of influential figures such as Makhtar Diop to the head of the SFI in 17583, and through the highlights of collective memory, each 1 March illustrates one facet of Senegalese dynamism. During a ministerial meeting in Algiers, Senegal was officially admitted as an observer member of the Forum des Pays Exportateurs de Gaz (GECF). The country is represented at this meeting by Antoine Félix Diome, ministre du Pétrole et des Énergies.. 1er mars 2021. Makhtar Diop, former Minister of Economy and Finance (April 2000 – May 2001), took up his duties in Washington D.C. as Director General and Executive Vice-President of the Société Financière Internationale (SFI). He thus becomes the first African to head this institution, created in 1956 and dedicated to the financing of the private sector. He succeeded the Frenchman Philippe Le Houérou… 1 March 13. 

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