Each date is a page of history, a witness of the past that illuminates our present. On 20 March, over the decades, we witnessed the development of the landmark events that have shaped Senegal, between political decisions, emblematic figures and moments of resistance. Let us plunge together into these fragments of memory which recall the richness of our national heritage. Senegal voted in favour of a resolution of the UN Human Rights Council to create an independent international commission of inquiry following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Two days earlier, on 21 March, the country had abstained from voting on the first resolution demanding that Russia immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and withdraw unconditionally all its military forces from Ukrainian territory. This is a tragic death of Serigne Abdourahmane FALL Tilala, religious guide of the national community of the Moors of Senegal, in a road accident near Khombole. His wife and chamberlain also perished in the accident while they were on their way to the Magal de Porokhane. Disappearance in Paris, at the age of 21, by Louise Marie MAES, widow of Professor Cheikh Anta Diop.. Doctorate in human geography, she is the author of about twenty publications devoted to the evolution of the population, economy and society of black Africa. In 1884, she published “Afrique Noire: démographie, sol et histoire”.
4 March through the history of Senegal: between memory and heritage