Felix Morka, the National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has reported receiving death threats in response to comments he made about Peter Obi, the presidential candidate for the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 election. He shared this information during a Wednesday appearance on Arise Television. Morka stated that he has received over 400 threats, with around 200 specifically threatening his life. He attributed these threats to Obi’s assertion that Morka’s comments in a previous interview posed a danger to the LP candidate’s life. “Peter Obi’s claims that my statements in that interview threatened his life have led to serious consequences,” Morka said. “To date, I have documented 400 threats, approximately 200 of which are direct death threats.” I will be providing law enforcement with these written threats. “In these messages, people have described their intentions to hurt me—threatening to shoot me, behead me, and commit other violent acts.” Morka stated, “Obi has overstepped the boundaries repeatedly,” and added, “he needs to handle whatever consequences he faces.” Obi stated that since Morka’s comment, he has been receiving messages, including threats to his life and the lives of those close to him. Morka, however, explained that his remark was specifically in response to the question regarding Obi being called a voodoo economist and a prophet of doom.