On Wednesday afternoon, a fire destroyed a set of flats in Umuichi Nkata Ibeku, located in Umuahia North LGA of Abia State. The blaze affected several tenants and is believed to have been triggered by a power surge. An eyewitness named Ifeanyi Stephen noted that the thick smoke rising from the building drew their attention. Upon reaching the location, he reported that the house was empty during the incident. Stephen noted that the reason for the fire remains unclear but suggested it could have been triggered by a power surge, expressing gratitude that no lives were lost. One resident, Douglas Nkume, who lost his belongings in the fire, mentioned he had left for work when he received a call informing him about the blaze. By the time he arrived, millions of naira worth of his property and cash had been destroyed. He stated that he was left with nothing and appealed to the Abia State government and generous individuals for help. Other affected individuals were heard lamenting the destruction of their life’s work. DAILY POST reported that the fire was contained and prevented from spreading to neighboring houses thanks to the efforts of local youths and the Abia State Fire Service.