In Pakistan, law enforcement authorities apprehended two adolescent siblings for allegedly murdering their father by immolating him due to a history of ongoing sexual exploitation. This event transpired in Gujranwala on January 1, and the father subsequently passed away from his wounds at a medical facility on Tuesday. Rizwan Tariq, a high-ranking police officer in the area, disclosed to journalists that the girls confessed they planned to implement an enduring solution independently. Tariq elaborated that the sisters utilized gasoline from a motorcycle to set their father on fire while he was still asleep. He also mentioned that the step-sisters confessed that their father had been sexually assaulting their eldest sister for a year, and had attempted to attack the younger sibling twice. He stated that both mothers, who were married to the same man, knew about the abuse but were not informed of the sisters’ retaliation plan. The father’s name has not been disclosed to protect the girls, who have different maternal backgrounds. Authorities have arrested one mother, while the other is still under investigation. Tariq concluded that they plan to present the case before the court in a few days once the investigation is complete.