Kachalla Dogo Isah, a notorious bandit leader in Kaduna State, was killed during a violent clash with a group of reformed bandits in Kachia Forest on January 7, 2025. The confrontation began when Isah’s gang attempted to steal cattle from a camp led by Kachalla Musa, a former bandit leader who had recently joined a government-supported peace initiative. The situation escalated into a gun battle that ended with the deaths of Dogo Isah and two of his associates. Security analyst Zagazola Makama confirmed the events, stating, “The violence erupted as Isah’s group tried to raid the cattle camp, resulting in a fierce exchange of gunfire.” Dogo Isah was a prominent security menace in the area, recognized for his participation in cattle theft, assaults on security forces, and various other criminal acts in Kachia and Kajuru. His unwillingness to participate in peace initiatives exacerbated the region’s instability. The demise of Dogo Isah signifies a notable decrease in banditry in Kaduna, while also underscoring the continuous dangers encountered by former bandits. In September 2024, Isah’s cousin, Tukur Sharme, was similarly killed in a confrontation with reformed bandits.