​Exclusive: Moussa Ndiaye and Aladji Wilane, the intriguing duo who led to the death of Ibrahima Solly and Ibou Socé 

  It is the shock and the incomprehension that still exist in Casablanca, in the economic capital of the Chérifien kingdom, where an unnamed drama has befallen the Senegalese community. As revealed by Kéwoulo, a Senegalese citizen named Moussa Ndiaye dit Kalaamou was stabbed to death by his compatriot Ibrahima Solly dit Ibou Socé. If the body of Ibou Solly is in the morgue, local sources in Casablanca have made it known that Moussa Ndiaye is still in custody at the police station of Hay Hassani. Another compatriot, d’Aladji Wilane, is also arrested for “necessity of investigation”. “The latter, who was in the company of Moussa Kalaamou, would have decided to reunite Ibou Socé and Moussa to make peace. According to local reports, “for three days, Moussa Ndiaye had been standing in front of the restaurant of Ibou Solly and told those who wanted to hear that he was going to kill him. And he was always coming with an arm blanche. “If Moussa Ndiaye is designated by the witnesses as the one who carried out the fatal blow, it is the role of Aladji Wilane, in this drama, which remains to be determined… and the Moroccan police, who proceeded to their arrest, seems to know well the two men whom it has decided to keep in view in the context of this case. 

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