​Farba Ngom faced with justice: the National Assembly launches a historic investigation 

  The National Assembly of Senegal has recently set up an ad hoc commission to examine the request for the waiver of the parliamentary immunity of the deputy Farba Ngom. This approach, initiated at a plenary session without debate, was described as a mere formality by Aïssata Tall, who spoke at the end of that meeting. She stressed that parliamentary groups, notably Takku Wallu and the non-enrolled, are represented within this structure. “This commission will do its work. We will be present to ensure that the rules are respected. We will intervene to object when necessary”, she said, adding that her group would remain vigilant in the face of the arguments advanced by the financial parquet. The ad hoc commission will have the task of studying the dossier thoroughly before a new plenary session is convened to decide on the fate of Farba Ngom’s parliamentary immunity. This future plenary session will be marked by debates in which each parliamentary group will be able to express its views on the procedure and the substance of the request. 

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