It’s an exclusive delivered by our confrères de DakarActu. According to the canard of Ouest Foire, the famous Tik-Tokeur de Touba known as “Thioune Boutik” and who has made himself known to the general public by trapping his interlocutors, following their shocking declarations, by pretending to be a police commissioner and sometimes a commander of a brigade of gendarmerie has fallen on real functionaries. He was arrested yesterday by the Touba pandores following his arrest in Kaolack by people who had trapped him on the phone to bring him out of his hiding place. According to information supplied by our confrères de DakarActu, he had made the acquaintance of a pharmacist to whom he had sold 3 plots of land located in Thiès. “We had made the trip to visit these three terrains. And, I have made disbursements which have reached the amount of 15 millions de F CFA”, a laissé entendre le plaignant qui se trouve être un pharmacien de la capitale du mouridisme. While he was expecting to get possession of his parcels, the pharmacist almost fell asleep when he learned that the land in question did not belong to “Thioune Boutik”. For its part, the entourage of the accused speaks of a difference of 6 million which he had decided to reimburse, without making known whether it was a discovered fraud, a loan or a debt contracted.
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