​Politique: Voici les nominations du conseil des ministres du mercredi 22 janvier 2025 (French) The following are the appointments of the Council of Ministers of the French Republic. 

  The President of the Republic has taken the following decisions: In the name of the Presidency of the Republic.  Mr Thialy FAYE, holder of a diploma d’études approfondies en droit de l’environnement and a master 2 en politique et administrations fiscales is appointed President of the Initiative for Transparency in the Extractive Industries, in replacement of Madame Oulimata SARR.. • Mr Arona TOURE, statistician, technical adviser to the Primature, is appointed director of the technical cooperation, in place of Mr Papa Birama Thiam, who was allowed to assert his right to a retirement pension. In the name of the Ministry of African Integration and Foreign Affairs. Mr Aboubacar Sadikh Barry, Conseiller des Affaires étrangères Principal, matricule de solde 604 133/I, précédemment Ambassadeur du Sénégal au Ghana, is hereby appointed Ambassador, Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire du Sénégal auprès de Son Excellence Madame Karin Keller-Sutter, Présidente de la Confédération Suisse, in place of Mr Coly SECK, who has been called to perform other functions. • Ms Adama FALL, Chancellor of Foreign Affairs Principal, with the rank of 616 059/G, previously Vice-consul at the Consulate General of Senegal in Lyon, is appointed Consul General of Senegal in Paris, in place of Mr Amadou DIALLO; • Mr Mansor CISS, Chancellor of Foreign Affairs Principal, with a salary of 6331363 050/P, previously Second Counsellor at the Embassy of Senegal in Japan, is hereby appointed Consul General of Senegal in Abidjan to replace Mr Mouctar Belal BA; 

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