Core Afric

  ​National Conference of Parquet Heads: Me Aly Fall, le bâtonnier plaide pour des peines justes et réinsérantes (I have fallen, the bailiff is pleading for just and restorative sentences) 

  The National Conference of Chief Prosecutors was held on Tuesday, bringing together the main actors of the judicial sector around themes crucial for the future of the Senegalese penal system. In his speech, the Advocate General expressed his feeling of belonging to this great judicial family, stressing the importance of close cooperation between the various judicial bodies. “The fact of being invited to this day is an example to be followed in the collaboration between the actors of justice”, he declared, reaffirming the Bar’s commitment to supporting efforts for a more humane and effective justice. He stressed the need for a more pragmatic and humane approach to criminal sanctions. “A penalty must be just and proportionate, but above all it must permit the reintegration of the person concerned. Le bâtonnier also stressed that the Bar would play its full role of vigilance in the application of sentences, ensuring that they remain in conformity with the fundamental principles of justice and human dignity. He stressed the need to strike a balance between repression and rehabilitation, in order to avoid convicts becoming even more fragile and potentially dangerous elements for society. 


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