​Security in the struggle: Blaise Dasilva calls on the State to take urgent measures 

  Invited by Survol sur Kewoulo, Blaise Dasilva of the Nittu DEGG movement, a committed figure and defender of transparency in the world, asked the Senegalese authorities about the need to strengthen security around the fighting. He stressed the importance of a strengthened security system, both before, during and after the fighting, in order to prevent thefts, aggressions and acts of violence that can occur in and around the arenas. To this end, he called for the deployment of a greater number of law enforcement officers, thus guaranteeing better supervision of the public and wrestlers. Blaise Da Silva also stressed the responsibility of the State and the organizers to create a secure environment, allowing wrestling enthusiasts to live their passion without fear, and wrestlers to develop in optimal conditions. 

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