​Négligence dans les hôpitaux: radioscopie d’un mal qui gagne davantage du terrain 

  Since some years are noted, in the public health establishments as private, several failures that do not say their name. Most of the failures are due to the notorious negligence of the health care workers. This exercise of the day is intended to denounce certain practices in hospitals and other health care units which disturb both patients and their carers. And this behaviour, which persists in many hospitals, is seen as a laxity on the part of administrators who do not do the checking and monitoring, which is why it is still to be denounced. What is more deplorable is that these anti-values behaviours are summed up in two troubling aspects: the very long waiting time of the patient before being received, especially if he is in a very critical condition, but also the malicious intentions of the nursing staff or the agents in charge of security at the place of the patients and their relatives. They are often verbally or even physically attacked. To be aware of this often ignoble practice, it is enough to simply visit the hospital services… Speaking of negligence, no one has forgotten the death in tragic circumstances of the 4 infants in a fire at the neonatology department of the Magatte Lô de Linguère hospital or the death of the baby asphyxiated and calcined at the clinic de la Madeleine de Dakar. And the list is long. All these failures constituted a hindrance to the observance of the health pyramid by the users and the effectiveness of the care of the sick. 

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