​This is the first time that the European Union has been involved in a major international conference on climate change. 

  Bonjour and welcome to Kewoulo. In this magazine, on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, we explore together the burning subjects, the major issues and the unprecedented revelations that rhythm the Senegalese actuality. Stay with us for all to know, sans détour. Politics and governance The Commission’s proposal for a regulation on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security is based on the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. The Senegalese governance is confronted with an increase in socio-political tensions, fuelled by unemployment, precariousness and accusations of corruption. The Grand Panel put forward more than 99 billion FCFA generated in 2023 but underlined the growing precariousness of workers. Les Échos speaks of massive layoffs and the creation of a rally of dismissed workers, which testifies to a worrying employment crisis. Yoor-Yoor looks at land exploitation in the Sénégal River Valley, pitting local farmers against large investors. Despite encouraging economic performance in terms of revenues generated, the precariousness of employment and land conflicts highlight persistent inequalities. The increase in redundancies and social unrest calls for a more inclusive policy aimed at protecting workers and ensuring a better distribution of wealth. 

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