​Kawtef à L’UCAD: La Fac Lettres is followed by a case of counterfeiting of notes, sexual favours and exchange… 

  V. M. N. Diouf, a student in master 2 at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar (UCAD), arrested and then deféré. The investigation was launched by the Direction spéciale de la cybersécurité (Dsc) since November last following a complaint lodged by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Alioune Badara Kandji, against D. Faye et X, rembobine le journal. Which explains that “D. Faye, recruited as a contractor, was in charge of managing the database of students’ grades, among other missions. He is accused, according to the source, of having taken advantage of his position to propose to students to inflate their grades in exchange for money for boys or sexual favors for girls. In the case of the arrest of the student, le quotidien d’information souffle que l’enquête a établi que ce dernier “travaillait” avec le mis en cause. Mr. N. Diouf was in charge of finding him clients for the sum of 50 000 F CFA per dossier”. According to the newspaper, Diouf, “sent to Germany by the Faculté des Lettres as part of the Erasmus mobility programme, was arrested on his return to the AIBD last week”. According to the newspaper, he was unable to reveal the facts, especially “in the face of the technical elements gleaned by the investigators whose transactions were made via Wave”. 

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