​Pacte Social: L’État face à son devoir d’exemplarité by M. Magued WADE (English translation) is a book written by the French writer Jean-Luc Godard. 

  The Government has shown responsibility and foresight by initiating a tripartite meeting in a context of strong social tensions. This strategic approach helped to calm the social climate by bringing together all the components of society, from students to business leaders, around the table. By accepting the live broadcast of the debates and by exposing itself to the sometimes harsh criticism of the trade unions, the Executive has demonstrated a rare willingness to be transparent and a rare political courage. By adopting a language of truth and realism, the government has rejected the temptation of populist discourse and unrealisable promises. He preferred to expose without detail the current situation, however difficult it may be, while proposing a social pact based on national solidarity and sacred union around the essentials. As the saying goes, “charity well ordered begins with oneself”. It is therefore imperative that the State adopt an exemplary leadership in implementing concrete measures to reduce the life-cycle of institutions. Particles of measurements, on attendance 

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