According to L’Observateur, several families, 52 in total, of former high officials of the State, are threatened with expulsion from the Cité Fayçal. The parties concerned, including former ministers, Directeurs généraux and retired magistrates, received a summation to this effect. ‘I inform you of the will of the State of Senegal to rescind the lease and exercise its right of reprise on the building you occupy which is in the public domain, in application of the provisions of Article 3 of the contract signed in 2008’, states the note signed by the director of the Société de gestion et d’exploitation du patrimoine bâti de l’État (Sogepa), Élimane Pouye, au courant du mois de février dernier.. “Seulement, explique le quotidien d’information, avec le choix porté sur l’hôtel Méridien [currently King Fahd], the city was sold by the State of Senegal at the time of Abdou Diouf. She was then lodged by high personalities of the State. With the advent of the regime of [former President] Abdoulaye Wade, the idea of the sale of these houses to these officials had emerged. [But] with administrative delays, it was [finally] decided to sign to these high functionaries of the baux emphytéotiques de 99 ans”. L’Observateur notes, however, that the families, constituted in Association des habitants de la Cité Fayçal, do not intend to be left to their own devices: “Today, in its fight, the association has requested an audience with the Directeur de la Sogepa.
Cité Fayçal: former “high” functionaries of the State threatened with expulsion