​Keur Massar Nord: A prefecture project challenged by a citizen’s mobilization 

  In Massar Nord, in the parcels belonging to units 4 and 5, a land formerly intended for the construction of a technical college is today at the centre of a controversy. For more than twenty years, this site has established itself as an essential living space, hosting sporting and cultural activities for the benefit of school establishments and the young people of the district. It is a veritable place of social cohesion and a pillar of local dynamism, but the recent decision of the prefecture to set up a prefecture there is growing opposition. According to several testimonies, the attitude of the prefect, considered rigid and authoritarian, exacerbated the tensions. Rather than engage in an inclusive dialogue, he seems determined to impose this project despite the citizen mobilization. This attitude reinforces the frustration and anger of the inhabitants, who see in this decision a threat to a fundamental public space. Is there no other alternative to meet the administrative needs without depriving the community of this meeting place? This conflict highlighted a recurrent urban planning problem: the lack of dialogue between the authorities and the populations concerned. 

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