​Cambriolage au Trésor public: the investigation is intensified in the greatest discretion 

  The investigation into the robbery of the public treasury is accelerating under the supervision of the Sûreté Urbaine (SU) de Dakar. In the greatest discretion, several executives of this financial institution, including the Director of Informatics, were heard this Thursday by the investigators. The questions mainly concerned the nature and sensitivity of the data compromised during the intrusion. The investigators seek to establish whether strategic information was exfiltrated or altered, in addition to possible material losses. L’agent du Groupement mobile d’intervention (GMI), A. Goudiaby, a été placé en arrêt de rigueur, tandis que le vigile assigné à la sécurité des locaux cette nuit-là, J.M. Niakh, a également été interrogé. The officer of the Groupement mobile d’intervention (GMI), A. Goudiaby, has been placed under strict arrest, while the guard assigned to the security of the premises that night, J.M. Niakh, has also been interrogated. Their version of events is scrutinized with a magnifying glass in order to understand how the burglars were able to break into this highly sensitive place. The investigators review all the recordings captured the day before, the day after and the day after the fact in order to trace the suspicious movements around and inside the building. This analysis could be decisive for the identification of possible internal accomplices or of clues allowing to trace back to the authors of the burglary. 

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