​The European Union is committed to the development of a common foreign and security policy. 

  Bonjour and welcome to Kewoulo. In this magazine, this Saturday, March 8, 2025, we explore together the burning subjects, the major issues and the unprecedented revelations that rhythm the Senegalese actuality. Restez avec nous pour tout savoir, sans détour… Politique et Gouvernance (Politics and government) (Stay with us for all you know, without detour) Sud Quotidien highlights the challenges to the advancement of women’s rights, highlighting institutional and social obstacles. L’Évidence reveals accusations of political manipulation against the APR, suggesting internal tensions. Le Point is concerned about the state of health of Farba Ngom, an influential political actor whose situation could have repercussions on the balance of power. The health of influential figures also becomes a strategic issue. The Senegalese economy is going through a critical period between budgetary pressures, questions of transparency and energy negotiations. The Senegalese government has been criticized for its lack of transparency in the energy sector. A rigorous management will be necessary to avoid major crises. In this context, the European Commission is proposing to set up a European network of experts in the field of women’s rights, which will provide a forum for the exchange of information on women’s rights in the media, and to promote the exchange of information on women’s rights in the media. 

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