Any Man Who Pays School fees for A Lady to Attend SHS or University is A F00L, She Will Leave You Eventually – Captain Smart  

Ghanaian internet personality, Captain Smart, has warned any man who pays for a person to become educated either at the SHS or secondary level on the promise of marrying her afterwards as a f00l.
According to Captain Smart, in most instances that this happens, the person eventually finds someone who is of her own education levels to marry and leaves the person behind.
He said if a man is paying for a person to become educated, he should just accept that he is doing it out of his own compassion. But if he’s doing it believing that he would eventually marry the princess therefore he’s going to be disappointed.
In recent times, there have been many news stories about women who dated men who worked to spend their entire college costs, and then afterwards, when they graduated, they dumped the people to be with someone of their own’ years’ and ‘ category’.
Captain Smart said that in this present universe, if the same thing happens to you, then you only have yourself to blame.
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Smart’s get sparked conflicting emotions, with some praising him for being right while another slammed the consider while absolutely wrong.
” When you are helping a person make sure you build yourself as a person. They may leave you for the people they think match them”, one person said.
Another wrote:” That’s a great lay not all women are like that …. So who do you want to invest in a woman so you come and marry her”?
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