​Drug trafficking: A famous fighter arrested by the OCRTIS and deféré ce Mardi 

  According to L’Observateur, which gives the information, the fighter and his co-accused, of which the boss is O. Ndiaye alias Malou, the latter having fallen in the company of three of his lieutenants, are dangerous. “Ils filent droit vers la Chambre criminelle au regard de la kyrielle d’infractions retenues contre eux”, liste le journal : Association de malfaiteurs, trafic de drogue en groupe criminel organisé et blanchiment de capitaux. D’ores et déjà, avance le titre du Groupe futurs médias, l’ancien mécanicien devenu champion de lutte affilié à l’écurie “Grand Médine Mbollo” has partially acknowledged the facts of the case. The former mechanic, who has been charged with drug trafficking, has pleaded guilty to two counts of money laundering and one count of money laundering. Reprimanded by the source, “he confessed that he knew pertinently that the two imposing bags that were delivered to his house, last Friday, contained Indian hemp conveyed from Koulaye, in Casamance”. Maada, however, refuting the paternity of the drug, declares that “his role is [limited] to receiving the cargo of drugs and then remitting it to the godfather who is the final recipient of the package”. The latter, cited as “un caïd aguerri”, is en cavale, according to the same source. Who’s after you? “Interrogated about his suspected connections with several drug cases, T. Maada justified this remark by the fact that he was a former indicator. 

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