​Onas case: What is at stake for Cheikh Dieng after his trial at the correctional tribunal 

  Things have changed in the case of ONAS, which opposes its former director general, and the Vicas company, which accuses the prime minister of defamation and the dissemination of false news. According to information relayed by our colleagues in the newspaper Les Échos, the former head of the sanitation department was tried yesterday, Wednesday 12 March, before the correctional tribunal of Dakar. The newspaper reveals that the accused had declared in a press conference that this company and Delta, with a success rate of 52% for both, would have almost monopolized the markets of the sanitation department between 2021 and 2024.. “Outre la contrainte par corps, l’avocat de l’entreprise plaignante a sollicité la publication de la décision dans la presse”, informs le journal. “The tribunal has fixed the date of the deliberation for 28 May after the procureur has requested the application of the law”, informs the same source. 

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