The intersyndicale des enseignants de Ziguinchor (SELS, UDEN, SUDES, SNELAS/FC, ORS, SIENS, CUSEMS/A, OIS) has announced a total strike this Monday 24 March 2025, in reaction to the unacceptable aggression of which a leur collègue Sidy Goudiaby, instituteur à l’école élémentaire de Belfort has been the victim. In an official communiqué sent to the APS, the trade union organizations expressed their indignation and firm condemnation of this act of violence perpetrated on Friday, March 21, 2025, while the teacher was giving reinforcement courses to CM2 students. The assault was allegedly committed by a young man from the neighbourhood, thus highlighting a major security problem in the schools. The Intersyndicale considers this incident as an act of extreme gravity, affecting the physical and moral integrity of all the teaching staff. Faced with this worrying situation, teachers demand immediate and concrete measures to ensure their safety in the exercise of their duties. In consequence, the intersyndicale has decided to decree a total strike on Monday 24 March 2025, with a total stop of the course. In addition, a rally followed by a declaration will be held at the headquarters of the CNTS (Bourse du Travail) in order to question the competent authorities. The trade unions urge the academic and administrative authorities to assume their responsibilities by ensuring that justice is done and by putting in place effective protection measures for teachers. Finally, the Intersyndicale reaffirms its determination to defend the rights of teachers and the dignity of the teaching staff.
Ziguinchor: L’intersyndicale des enseignants décrète une grève totale après l’agression d’un instituteur (The teachers’ union decrees a general strike after the teacher is attacked by a teacher)