​A chauffeur transporting 50 people intoxicated by ” vody ” condemned to… 

  The Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI) of Fatick sentenced B. Dramé to six months’ imprisonment and to a suspension of his driving licence for six months for the offences of “conduct in a state of intoxication and endangering the life of others”. According to Les Échos, the facts go back to a journey between Diawbé and Dakar, where B. Dramé transported 50 passengers aboard his vehicle. Arrested and brought before the court, B. Dramé attempted to defend himself, stating that he was unaware that the drink contained alcohol and that he had been appointed late to ensure the journey. Le chauffeur ivre a été finalement a été finalement condamné pour ” conduite en état d’ivresse et mise en danger de la vie d’autrui “, à six mois de prison ferme avec la suspension de son permis de conduire pour six mois. Le chauffeur ivre was finally sentenced to six months in prison with the suspension of his driving licence for six months. 

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