He will not forget the place where this bastonnade was committed in Belgian territory. The Cameroonian Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou, was attacked on Monday, March 3, as he left his hotel for the airport to return to Yaoundé. On videos spread on social networks, dozens of men can be seen attacking the minister and the ambassador of Cameroon in Brussels Daniel Evina ABE’E, who accompanied him. Yaoundé promises to “take appropriate measures to find the authors of these seditious acts”… The Cameroonian government reacted vigorously to this aggression. In a statement, he said he deplored and condemned with the “greatest firmness” the “irresponsible and barbaric behaviour against state representatives”. He also promised to “take appropriate measures to find the perpetrators of these seditious acts and bring them before the competent authorities “… In the day yesterday, Tuesday, March 4, the Minister of External Relations Mbella Mbella, summoned the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Cameroon, Alain Leroy to “express the indignation and strong disapproval of the Cameroonian Government in the face of this regrettable situation which is not at the image of the excellence of the relations existing between Cameroon and Belgium “… Du ” deux poids deux mesures “.
Cameroonian Minister is beaten in Brussels: Yaoundé summons the ambassador of…