The repeal of a law may be effected by the adoption of a new law which expressly indicates the repeal of the previous law. It is an abrogation express. The abrogation may also take place in a tacit manner. It must also be remembered that the repeal of a law has consequences, at least from a legal point of view. From the moment a law is repealed, it ceases to produce legal effects. However, it should also be noted that, especially in criminal law, repeal has no retroactive effect. This means that the effects produced by the law before its abrogation remain. It is important to note that in the various legal systems, with a few exceptions, the abrogation of a law does not automatically entail the annulment of judicial decisions which have been rendered in application of that law. These decisions remain and remain valid.. Thank you to the Honourable Deputy Amadou Ba for his clairvoyant approach in opting for an interpretative law proposal, to define the contours of the scope of application of the amnesty law, which is the solution to save us, to preserve us from legal details and debates.. Habib Kane membre du Moncap commissariat justice affaires juridiques, SENOPE-S/sVEGERE, Bureau Pastef Rufisque Nord Section.
Contribution: Abrogation of a law in law (Parliament adopted the resolution)