Detective incarcerates rapist.  

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Duduza – Excellent work by Warrant Officer Modupi Rakwena, a detective attached to the Springs Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit, resulted in the imprisonment of a 27-year-old man on January 15.

According to Ekurhuleni district spokesperson Captain Neldah Sekgobela, Sphiwe Isaac Makula was recently found guilty and sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment for a rape case in 2022.

“A 19-year-old female complainant was walking home on Lekope Street in Duduza from a friend’s party, and suddenly, a person grabbed her from behind. The person pulled her without saying a word, and when she looked, it was an unknown male.

She screamed for help, but to no avail,” explained Sekgobela.

Sekgobela continued, “The suspect managed to get the victim to an open field, where he pushed her down, overpowered her, hit her against the ground and raped her.”

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She said the suspect demanded the victim’s cellphone, who told him it fell when she was trying to free herself.

“The suspect left her there to look for the cellphone, and that is when the victim ran to a nearby house. She knocked on the door, but no one opened. She went back onto the street and was assisted by a motorist, who gave her a lift home,” added Sekgobela.

The victim reported her case at the Duduza SAPS, and the docket landed on Rakwena’s desk for investigation. DNA later linked the accused, and Rakwena arrested him on November 24 last year.

Makula stood trial before the Nigel Regional Court, which convicted him of rape, as charged, and sentenced him to 25 years imprisonment.

Ekurhuleni deputy district commissioner Brigadier Lebohang Machakela congratulated Rakwena for securing the rapist’s hefty sentence and ensuring justice was served to the victims.

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