​Didier Badji-Fulbert Sambou: Rebondissement in the mysterious disappearance of the sergeant and the adjutant-chef 

  Les Échos announce a rebondissement in the case of Didier Badji and Fulbert Sambou in its edition of this Tuesday 4 March. For the record, Sergeant Fulbert Sambou and Chief Didier Badji were reported missing on 18 November 2022 in mysterious circumstances. Le corps sans vie du premier a été retrouvé cinq jours plus tard au large du Cap Manuel tandis que nous sommes toujours sans nouvelle du second.. Le dernier acte posé par le magistrat instructeur concerne ce dernier dont les proches ont été interrogés dans le cadre d’une délégation judiciaire adressée à la gendarmerie, renseigne le journal.. “To elucidate the case, the investigating judge does not simply want to confine himself to the facts, he is clearly seeking to understand the personality of the two victims, namely Didier Badji who remains unaccounted for. It is our responsibility, in fact, that the magistrate inquirer has made a judicial delegation to ask the members of the Section de recherches [Sr] to question two relatives of Didier Badji”, détaille le quotidien d’information. 

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