According to the 2025 ranking of the world’s most powerful passports published by Henley & Partners, three African passports are among the Top 50 globally, granting visa-free access to more than 100 countries.
The top 3 in Africa are:
Seychelles (25th globally, 156 destinations).
Mauritius (29th globally, 151 destinations).
South Africa (48th globally, 106 destinations).
Notable Progress:
South Africa has climbed five places compared to 2024, solidifying its position in the Top 50.
Other High-Performing African Passports:
Botswana: 4th in Africa, 57th globally, 88 destinations.
Namibia: 5th in Africa, 62nd globally, 81 destinations.
Lesotho: 6th in Africa, 64th globally, 79 destinations.
Eswatini: 7th in Africa, 65th globally, 77 destinations.
Malawi: 8th in Africa, 67th globally, 75 destinations.
Kenya: 9th in Africa, 68th globally, 74 destinations.
Morocco and Tanzania: Tied for 10th in Africa, 69th globally, with 73 destinations each.
The countries with the lowest-ranked passports in Africa are primarily those facing political instability, security concerns, and economic challenges. These are some of the lowest-ranked African passports:
- Somalia: Ranked as the most worthless passport not only in Africa but globally, with its holders able to visit only 33 countries visa-free ¹.
- South Sudan: Faces significant challenges due to ongoing conflict and economic instability.
- Eritrea: Ranked low due to internal issues, violence, and economic struggles, with its passport holders able to access only 53 destinations visa-free or with a visa on arrival ².
- Libya: Its low ranking is attributed to government instability and security concerns.
D’après le classement 2025 des passeports les plus puissants publié par Henley & Partners, trois passeports africains figurent dans le Top 50 mondial, permettant de voyager sans visa préalable dans plus de 100 pays..
Top 3 africain :. 1. Seychelles (25? mondial, 156 destinations).
2. Île Maurice (29? mondial, 151 destinations).
3. Afrique du Sud (48? mondial, 106 destinations).
Progrès notable 😕. L’Afrique du Sud gagne cinq places par rapport à 2024, consolidant sa position dans le Top 50.. Autres passeports africains performants :. •
Botswana (4? en Afrique, 57? mondial, 88 destinations). •
Namibie (5? en Afrique, 62? mondial, 81 destinations). •
Lesotho (6? en Afrique, 64? mondial, 79 destinations). •
Eswatini (7? en Afrique, 65? mondial, 77 destinations). •
Malawi (8? en Afrique, 67? mondial, 75 destinations). •
Kenya (9? en Afrique, 68? mondial, 74 destinations). •
Maroc et Tanzanie (10? ex æquo en Afrique, 69? mondial, 73 destinations chacun).
Position du Sénégal 😕. Le Sénégal se classe 30? en Afrique et 84? mondial, offrant un accès sans visa à 58 destinations.. Bas du classement africain 😕.
Les passeports du Soudan du Sud (96? mondial),
du Soudan (97?),
de l’Érythrée (98?),
de la Libye (100?)
et de la Somalie (102?)
figurent parmi les moins puissants.. Au niveau mondial, le passeport singapourien reste le plus puissant avec un accès sans visa à 195 destinations.