​East of the DRC: Several hospitals faced with a shortage of blood 

  The FARDC and its allies have been fighting the Rwandan-backed AFC/M23, which is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in the Congolese Democratic Republic (Kinshasa) and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Rwanda. A first cargo was sent on 4 March to Goma and Bukavu, but its delivery encountered numerous difficulties. In addition, administrative restrictions have made delivery difficult. According to several sources contacted by RFI, when the first batch of medical equipment and medicines was sent 13 days ago, everything except blood had been authorized from Brussels to Goma. A long and costly journey, especially as these blood bags of 500 ml each must be kept at a specific temperature to avoid any degradation. It was the World Health Organization (WHO) that facilitated the operation by obtaining a humanitarian corridor, thus allowing the delivery of the first batch. At the launch of the campaign, the Minister of Health had set a target of 5 000 blood bags collected. A figure reached and even exceeded, he assures, specifying that 1 200 bags have already been sent to the east of the country. 

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