President Bassirou Diomaye Faye called for the departure of French troops from Senegal as part of a new sovereignist position dictated by the trajectory of the past. It is important to note that the French were already in the process of reconfiguring their strategic presence in Africa, notably in the context of the Jean-Marie Bockel report and after the attacks in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, where the putschist leaders of these countries ordered the troops to leave without any consideration. Emmanuel Macron wanted to reduce the number of voilures and passes for the Éléments Français in Senegal from 350 to less than 100 men on the 5 enterprises in total. If the departure of French troops from the country, in the context of the reorganisation of the hexagonal military presence, which is a significant event on the political level, has been the subject of various and varied comments, there is another one which also deserves to be highlighted. It is the impact of the departure of the French Elements on the Senegalese personnel who were hitherto in their service. There is in truth no correlation between sovereignty and foreign military presence. Especially since the benefits for the operational capabilities of our armies are unequivocal. Quoi qu’il en soit, la France has decided to indemnify dignely its Senegalese employees, après la brutale décision de la faire partir. (France has decided to compensate dignely its Senegalese employees, after the brutal decision to make them leave.)
” France Dégage… et indemnise ” (written by Henriette Niang Kandé) is a French film directed by Jean-Luc Godard.