​Gabon: Murder of a Senegalese shopkeeper, six men arrested in Ndangui 

  The police in the district of Ndangui, 80 km from Lastoursville, the headquarters of the Mulundu Department, have neutralized six malefactors suspected of the murder of Barra Samb, a Senegalese, the head of his state. The chef-lieu of the Mulundu department has neutralized six malefactors suspected of the murder of Barra Samb, a Senegalese chef de son état. It is the Gabonese. Claudry Igombo Mayabamono also known as Hammer, Michel-Jorrick Mbomi also known as Le White, Harryl-. Primael Mouandza, also known as Del Piero, Teddy Tsevo Mougnegue, also known as Big Ted, and their families. According to a source close to the Directorate of Investigations in charge of the dossier, the events took place in the night of Sunday 16 to Monday 17 February 2025 in Popa, un. He was a member of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Claudry Igombo Mayabamono, Michel-Jorrick Mbomi and Harryl-Primael Mouandza decided to rob the boutique of the Sénégalais Barra Samb.. To strengthen the effectif, the premier cité, also the presumed leader of the gang, succeeded in convincing Teddy Tsevo Mougnegue to join them. 

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