Empress Gifty Adorye was attacked by Ghanaian missionary and social media publisher Freda Afriyie for being a “fake” lady of God who underwent body and facial transformation.
Afriyie attacked the well-known gospel singer in a well-known popular movie, claiming no church singer who has undergone such’worldly’ surgeries can be viewed as a representative of God.
She claimed that some well-known gospel singers have undergone cosmetic procedures to repair their heads, posteriors, and breasts.
Afriyie claimed that no one who allegedly represents the most Great God would do it because they are supposed to be God’s arteries.
She said that any church singer who does that would be obedient to God.
Empress Adorye, a church singer, has just been covered in the media for her transformations.
According to reports, she apparently underwent some cosmetic changes to her face. Adorye likewise fixed crowns in her teeth to give her a pearly-white smile.
Empress Adorye was recently accused of engaging in Portuguese B*t Lifts. She occasionally wears clothing that, as a church musician, is offensive to some.
Watch the video below.
See this Instagram blog
A post that @Ghanafuonsem1 ( @ghanafuonsem1 ) shared.
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