Ghanaian dance hall artist Shatta Wale revealed that he was moved to tears during a TikTok live session as he contemplated the two-decade quest that led him to share the stage with his artistic idol, whom he warmly calls his” Angel.”
The singer later shared a clip from his performance at Vybz Kartel’s” Freedom Street Concert” in Jamaica.
The’ Freedom Street Concert’, held at the National Stadium in Kingston, marked Vybz Kartel’s initial life effectiveness since his release from prison in 2024. Shatta Wale’s debut performance in Jamaica marked a significant step for both performers.
The Jamaican crowd was enthusiastic about Shatta Wale’s efficiency, cementing his position as a force in the dancehall space.
Fans had a lot of anticipation for Shatta Wale and Vybz Kartel’s combined performance at the musical, which was a show of the occasion. Shatta Wale expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the chance, stating that performing alongside Vybz Kartel was a dream come true.