The text of Dr. Mbaye Cissé, leader of a local organization that circulates in social networks, contains very useful information on their battles with the current minister Yacine Fall and Mr. Aliou Diack, former mayor of Mbane at the time of Wade and his famous Goana, in the face of the strong covetings of Senegalese and foreign businessmen on the land heritage of the agro-pastoral zone of Lac de Guiers and the commune of Mbane. However, this text of the doctor in comparative law contains errors and confusions as well as highly questionable legal qualifications that show that this jurist does not master the Senegalese land law well. There is firstly confusion about the land status of the land acquired by Tahirou Sarr by adjudication, by the Bimao Bank, following the insolvency of the company directed by Cheikh Hamidou Kane. He starts by talking about the title to 8000ha and then the bail. Then, de façon péremptoire, d’acquisition illégale, sans nous dire la disposition juridique qui a été violée. This is the first time I have heard of this. There are also other points ill-formulated in the legal plan. However, this fight against the dispossession of peasants of their agricultural and pastoral land is legitimate and deserves to be supported, especially since the land predators surround themselves with good lawyers to take advantage of the weaknesses of the legal framework of the land regime and the complicity within the system in force since the 1964 law on the National Domain and the State Domain Code. A bail may well be terminated by the State in certain cases, whether emphatic or not, under the control of the judge.
Injustice foncière autour du lac de Guiers and piège de la privatisation des terres (by Djibril Gueye) (French translation of the French translation of the French translation of the French translation)