“Not to be occupied and not to exist is the same thing for man. (Voltaire) I know. The essence of life according to him is to work, to create, to excel and to be concerned with the world and the affairs of the world. It is therefore necessary to guard against banality, incompetence and mediocrity. Or bien des gens ont aujourd’hui, the tendency to be content with average or even mediocre performances. And we must recognize that mediocrity is a real potential destroyer. We must defend ourselves against the mediocrity of the soul, the mediocrity of the ideas and the mediocrity of the action as Jules Cambon says. The ethics of the moral formation of the personality is founded on a principle: the human being is perfectible by education, in particular through personal efforts to form, by inner reflection and by imitation of models. In an adequate society, the happiness of all must not be sacrificed by individual happiness.
Labour is a weapon against the mediocrity of the soul, of ideas, of action.