Two cultural internet giants are at battle! Twene Jonas and Kevin Taylor, both of whom are from the United States of America, are now taking photographs at one another, and social media is raving about it!
Kevin Taylor a few days ago started the conflict by firing” African blogs” from the United States of America and ejecting them as a reminder.
Taylor warned them against talking about him because he would have them deported if they turned against him.
Although he did not specify who the attacker was, the majority of Ghanaian social advertising blogs have offended and criticized Taylor.
Kevin Taylor was mocked for being the “woman” in his relationship during a subsequent video.
Taylor’s family, in his opinion, is the one who works and looks after the house while his wife works and looks after the kids.
According to Jonas, like a person shouldn’t start a fight with him because it won’t work out for him.
See Twene Jonas warn Kevin Taylor below by putting a foot in his direction.
See this Instagram article
A post that was shared by @Ghanafuonsem1 ( @ghanafuonsem1 )
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