Japan has become, this Thursday 20 March, the first selection to join the 2026 World Cup the host countries which are Canada, the United States and Mexico.. The name of the first team qualified for the FIFA World Cup 202022TM has been known since Thursday 20 March 2025: le Japon. Very well started in the AFC qualifiers, the Japanese needed only one victory to join Canada, the United States and Mexico, the tournament hosts. This is venue dès la 7e journée du deuxième tour qualificatif asiatique, against Bahrain.. After a first period without but, Daichi Kamada was marked a but libérateur pour les Samouraïs Bleus quelques instants seulement après être sorti du banc (66′). Passeur décisif sur l’ouverture du score, Takefusa Kubo then sealed the fate of the meeting at three minutes from the end. At three matches of the end of the troisième tour, les Japonais ne peuvent donc plus être éjectés des deux premières places qualifying for the Mondial.. Winner 2-0, Japan has therefore officiated and celebrated in joy its participation in the greatest World Cup of all time, this last meeting for the very first time 48 teams.
Le Japon, first qualified for the 2026 World Cup!