” Promises not kept are as much lies ” [ Gagnon ] Extract from ” The brick walls “. This title, “Le Sénégal, un pays géré aujourd’hui par le mensonge, dans le mensonge et pour le mensonge par le régime libéral”, was the title of an article I had published on 19 July 2011, in devoir citoyen, 14 years ago. I find it still relevant today and more than ever. Indeed, it is just a matter of replacing Me Wade and PDS by Diomaye/Sonko and Pastef. Because the management of our country today resembles the past from every point of view, or even worse still, Mr. Wade was indeed an unquestionable dictator, but unlike the present authorities, he had experience, expertise, wisdom, and was a surplus lawyer, which did not allow him to exceed certain limits and violate the laws. He was also surrounded by competent collaborators who dared to tell him the truth, even if they were dismissed afterwards. Which is all the opposite of pasteurized.
Le Sénégal, un pays, où le pouvoir est acquis par le mensonge, dans le mensonge et pour le mensonge par le libéralisme hier et, le populisme aujourd’hui.(Par Mandiaye GAYE)