The police command in Ogun State has confirmed that a man named Yusuf Abubakar was attacked by suspected criminals in the Isara Remo area. The victim, who collects plastic, reportedly lost his left wrist during the incident. A statement from the police spokesperson, Omolola Odutola, released to DAILY POST on Thursday, indicated that the event took place in the Sapaade area of the community. Odutola noted that Abubakar had come to the area with two colleagues to collect used plastics when they were pursued by a group of approximately 20 armed individuals. Upon seeing the attackers, the group fled, but Abubakar fell and was caught. According to Odutola, Abubakar reported that he was blindfolded, dragged into a nearby bush with his hands tied, and his left wrist was severed. Odutola mentioned that Abubakar arrived in Ogun State just three days prior. Around 8:00 AM on January 6, 2925, he and two others were in the Sapade area collecting used plastic water bottles when approximately 20 armed attackers suddenly started chasing them with weapons. He claimed that the attackers bound his hands and feet, blindfolded him, and pulled him into a nearby thicket. In a brutal act, they cut off his left arm and left him behind. “After getting medical attention, Abubakar reported the incident to our local division.” Based on the information, she mentioned that the Divisional Crime Branch team and Crime Officer went to the location but found no evidence of human presence. She also assured that an investigation is in progress to understand the circumstances of the attack and encouraged residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities.