​Mbour: an émigré frappe sa femme et se fait bastonner par ses fils à son tour 

  After 20 years of marriage, Emmanuel Diène and his wife Hélène Téning Ndour have chosen the Tribunal to settle their accounts. It all started with a story of a couple who met, on Friday 21 February, the émigré Emmanuel Diène and his wife Hélène Téning Ndour. That day, the man of the house who no longer supports Jacques Alassane Correia, his son-in-law from Hélène’s first marriage, orders him to leave his home. Because he’s not, he says, his biological father. In a firm tone, she makes it known to her husband that Jacques remains his son au même titre as the other children from his second marriage. To avoid the worst and take a little bit of a rest, she decides to go spend the night at her big sister’s house in Saly Portudal…. Always under the same pretext of chasing Jacques de la demeure. Emmanuel even manages to take the boy by the collar to throw him out and in the face of his wife’s resistance, he will start beating her again. 

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