MEP Guy Marius Sagna continues his fight for a transparent governance and the protection of citizens by challenging the government on several sensitive dossiers. After obtaining answers on the management of the port of Ziguinchor and the rehabilitation of the Bambilor high school, he submitted four new questions written to the ministers concerned, one of which concerned the media: the precarity of journalists, the ballasting of the Malick Sy Patte d’Oie motorway, the electrification of the villages around the AIBD and the securing of the pedestrian crossings at Buntu Pikine. These are essential concerns which require concrete answers. Mr. Minister, some members of the press have drawn my attention to the difficult working conditions of journalists: how can the State recognize a press organization which does not respect the labour code, which does not sign a contract with its employees, which it dismisses without sickness insurance or without contributions to the IPRES or the Social Security Fund? Violations of the labour code, wage arrears, social evasion, trade union discrimination, etc. In the face of these worrying facts, several questions arise: 1. How can a press group which does not respect the Labour Code be recognized by the State of Senegal? 2. What measures do your ministries envisage to ensure respect for the rights of press workers? 3. Do the labour inspection services and the media regulators take action against these infringements? 4.
Media and labour law: the burning question by Guy Marius and Ousmane Sonko