Following the disqualification of Barthélémy Dias, who was removed from office following his definitive conviction in the Ndiaga Diouf case, Ngoné Mbengue was appointed to act as interim mayor of Dakar. 107.154 CFA francs, recently validated by the préfet de Dakar. This amount is divided between 46 billion CFA francs for operation and 23.5 billion for investments, according to the figures reported by Les Échos. This envelope represents a slight decrease compared with the previous year’s budget of 69.994. 282,165 CFA francs, which is the equivalent of the French equivalent. Although the reduction is marginal, it could have repercussions on certain projects, requiring rigorous and effective management. In this context of transition marked by political and financial challenges, Ngoné Mbengue will have to face several challenges, including the pursuit of structuring projects, the management of the expectations of the population and the preservation of the administrative stability of the capital. This interim period is crucial for the future of the municipality, in the expectation of definitive decisions concerning the leadership of the city.
Ngoné Mbengue: an interim leadership faced with the budgetary and political challenges of Dakar