​Nguékhokh: A séance of mystical baths turned to viol 

  According to the information received by L’Observateur, the young woman, faced with a decline in her clientele, had visited Badji in January on the recommendation of a friend, S. Fall. The latter had assured him that the marabout could help him to make his trade prosper through mystical rituals. After a first bath carried out without incident, N. Ndiaye affirms having been summoned to the marabout’s home for two other sessions to be carried out in the same night. According to the newspaper, at around 2 o’clock in the morning, she stated that she had been threatened with a machete and forced to have sexual intercourse under the threat of death. An investigation was immediately opened, but the gendarmes did not find the marabout at his home. According to the testimonies of the neighbors, he would have left the place at dawn. Meanwhile, N. Ndiaye, traumatised, indicated ” to have become the laughing stock of the commune, a situation which aggravates her professional difficulties”. 

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