The village of Niani Toucouleur is faced with a grave crisis of property involving several personalities, including Cheikh Yérim Seck, Khadim Ba et Modou Diagne. This dispute concerns an area of 1 000 hectares, the occupation and management of which are today a source of tension and anxiety among the inhabitants. According to Birane Thiam, a resident of Niani Toucouleur, this situation calls into question generations of efforts to preserve these lands, a long-standing struggle led by Demba Thiam, the former village chief. These methods are considered by the villagers as a manoeuvre aimed at forcing their consent under duress. According to them, this case is part of a wider context of collusion and favoritism, aggravated by political maneuvers under the regime of Macky Sall. They point in particular to the responsibility of Seydou Ba, described as a key player in what they describe as fraudulent schemes. The absence of drinking water and electricity exacerbates the daily difficulties of the inhabitants, making their situation even more precarious. They demand not only impartial justice in this conflict, but also concrete solutions to improve their living conditions.
Niani Toucouleur en péril: Spoliation foncière, complicités et appel à la justice (French translation of the French translation of the French translation of the French translation)