The Ogun State Police Command has reported that a 45-year-old tenant named Tolulope Olusanya, who resided near Madojutimi Abiola Way in Abeokuta, has reportedly taken her own life. Her lifeless body, which was found swollen and emitting a foul odor, was discovered in her home. Police spokesperson Omolola Odutola mentioned that the landlord, Adebesin Adebayo, informed the Kemta Divisional Police Station around 8:15 PM on Monday that he had not seen her for several days. Concerned for her wellbeing, the landlord checked her apartment, only to find it locked from the inside and smelling strongly of decay. Odutola explained that detectives from the Kemta Division responded to the report, forced entry into the apartment, and located Olusanya’s body on the bed. She added that attempts to contact the deceased’s family were unsuccessful, as no immediate relatives could be reached, and efforts to move her body to the nearest hospital were impeded by a lack of medical equipment to avoid possible infection.