The” Zara Man,” the ex-wife of African fashion icon and businessman Osebo, made shocking revelations about her wedding during an exam with Kwaku Manu on The Aggressive Interview. Ohemaa, as she is known, detailed the emotional and physical battles she endured while married to the extravagant business.
According to Ohemaa, Osebo, despite owning a clothing store, always gave her free clothing or any items from his store. She explained that whenever she wanted something from the business, she had to pay it back in full before removing it. This, she stated, was just one of the many challenges she faced in their wedding.
Osebo always gave me something from his shop, even though I was his family. He made sure I paid for anything I did. She said in the interview that she felt like I was just another user, never his wife.
Ohemaa also made it known that throughout their marriage, Osebo was dishonest, frequently having affairs with her with many women. Out of passion for him, she tolerated his adultery and continued to perform her conjugal duties.
She recalled instances in which Osebo may insult her and bring other people to their homes. But, instead of confronting him, she endured the anguish softly, cooking meals and also washing the cloths he shared with his mistress.
” I had occasionally bring the food to him and make it in my home,” he said. But rather, he would get the meal to hotels to take with other people. It was terrible, but I kept forgiving him because I loved him”, Ohemaa revealed.
Many people expressed horror and compassion for Ohemaa’s suffering on social media after the meeting sparked a lot of discussion. Osebo has been criticized for his alleged behavior by some, while Ohemaa has received praise for her endurance and stamina during those trying days.
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