​Ouakam: at 2h de son mariage, he assaults his neighbor and he steals 1 million F CFA 

  Mr Fall and Mr T. Touré face, respectively, five and two years of prison ferme, sentences required by the procureur de la République during their trial for robbery with violence, this Tuesday 18 February. According to the story of L’Observateur, who attended the hearing, he assaulted his neighbor named Pape Abdoulaye Kane, stealing a million CFA francs and his scooter. The events took place on 1 March 2021, at two o’clock in the morning, after the marriage of the main accused, who was taking a second wife, according to le quotidien du Groupe futurs médias. The price and time of delivery are fixed. Le colis devait être déposé à Ouakam, “dans un coin un reculé”, souligne la même source sans détailler la nature de la commande. “Arrivé sur les lieux, [M. de la Cité] was the place where the order was to be placed, and the place where the order was to be placed”. She was mistressed, maltreated and violently assaulted by a group of individuals. The perpetrators not only took the goods, but also the sum of one million CFA francs and his scooter”, reports L’Observateur. The requests transmitted to the Sonatel by the investigators reveal that two telephone numbers were used to contact the victim for the transaction that led to the assault. 

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