​Parliamentary immunity for Moustapha Diop 

  On Friday 21 March, the National Assembly of Senegal voted by a large majority to lift the parliamentary immunity of Moustapha Diop, deputy mayor of Louga. This decision was taken in the context of an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of CFAF 700 million by the Agence d’Aménagement et de Promotion des Sites Industriels (Agence for the Development and Promotion of Industrial Sites). The expeditious vote resulted in 115 votes in favour of the waiver of immunity, against 3 oppositions and 10 abstentions. Moustapha Diop, who appeared before the ad hoc commission, categorically rejected all the accusations, affirming that he owed nothing to anyone and denouncing a political cabal. However, the family of the Inspector General of the Treasury, Tabaski Ngom, the principal accuser, maintains its declarations and affirms to possess compromising evidence. The latter, charged and placed under a mandat de dépôt last January, faces charges of embezzlement of public funds and money laundering. This dossier, which mixes public finances and political issues, continues to captivate public opinion. New revelations could emerge in the coming days, further clarifying the responsibilities of each in this case with strong stakes. 

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